Annual Contributorship

Baltimore Playhouse Annual Contributorship

The Baltimore Playhouse is a non-profit social club.

Baltimore Playhouse Annual Contributor = $30 per person per year (this annual fee does not include entry to parties.) 

Please read the this page in its entirety before joining.

Who Can Become a Contributor of The Baltimore Playhouse?
  • People who promote the practice of Safe, Sane, and Consensual and/or Risk Aware Consensual Kink activities
  • People who are members of an alternative lifestyle such as but not limited to: pansexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, BDSM, leather, and transgender, looking for a mutually supportive community
  • People who have not found a welcoming environment in traditional social organizations due to gender, sexual orientation or lifestyle choice
Eligibility Criteria
  • Must be 19 years of age or older
  • Must support the general purposes of the club
  • Must abide by the rules and code of conduct set down by the Board of Directors
  • Must pay annual dues
Guest Policy
  • Contributors may bring 1 guest per event
  • An additional Guest fee may be charged in addition to the regular entry fee
  • All guest names must be submitted a minimum of 24 hours in advance via Fetlife
  • Guests may visit two times in one calendar year before they will be required to join as a contributor
  • Contributors are responsible for their guests behavior.
  • The Baltimore Playhouse Management may limit guests for any event
  • Contributorship in The Baltimore Playhouse is considered confidential and is maintained in the strictest confidence.
  • Information is not sold or given to anyone for any reason
  • Contributorship cards do not include legal names
  • Nothing will ever be mailed to your address.
Application Process
  • Each applicant for contributorship shall apply on a form approved by the Board of Directors which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by any and all  Rules or Regulations adopted by the Board of Directors
  • The application shall state the legal name and address of the applicant
  • The application must have a valid email address
  • Payment of dues must be received before use of The Baltimore Playhouse
  • Contributorship year is valid for 364 days after the acceptance and payment of the contributorship
  • The Board of Directors of the Baltimore Playhouse will approve or deny all contributorships
  • Background checks may or may not be done
  • All contributorship forms MUST be submitted online. You cannot apply at the door
  • Your Contributorship card is to be picked up at the front desk. They will *not* be mailed. Please allow 7 days (after your payment has been submitted) for your contributorship card to be available for pick up.

After submitting your contributorship form, you will be sent an email with your acceptance and payment link – Please allow this process 7 days to be completed.  Payments must be made within 30 (thirty) days of acceptance or your form will be deleted and you will need to resubmit.

We will need some of your personal information, this will NEVER be given out to anyone.


I certify that:

  • I am an adult and 19 years old or older.
  • I understand that the Baltimore Playhouse holds sexually explicit events and I understand that I may see nude or seminude adults engaging in live acts of the nature described, including vaginal and anal penetration.
  • I am not offended by any of this conduct. I am interested in seeing, hearing and/or participating in these activities for my own enjoyment and entertainment and for the enjoyment and entertainment of others in attendance and as an avenue of my own personal sexual expression.
  • I am freely and voluntarily choosing to join and, at my discretion, participate in these activities. If I participate in any activity at this event it will be because I have freely and voluntarily chosen to participate in that activity and because my partner(s) in that activity have freely and voluntarily chosen to participate in the activity with me. No one is forcing me or threatening me in any way.
  • I understand that I may stop participating in any activity at any time and that I am free to leave at any time. Also, I can notify event staff personnel who will assist me at any time.
  • I understand and agree that I will not hit, penetrate, spank, or in any way touch any other person without their express consent that has been given freely and voluntarily.
  • I also understand and agree that, without the expressed written permission of the management, any device that records and/or transmits any audio or image, still or motion, is strictly prohibited. I agree that my possession or use of any prohibited device constitutes criminal trespass subject to prosecution and/or civil suit to the fullest extent of the law.  
  • What happens at the Playhouse, stays at the Playhouse. “Outing” anyone or discussing what happens at the Playhouse will cause you to be permanently banned from Playhouse.
  • The Baltimore Playhouse is a ‘dry’ venue – no alcohol is allowed. If you are caught with alcohol on the premises, you will be removed and permanently banned.
  • Equipment is not to be moved without permission and assistance from a staff member. If you are unsure how to use a piece of equipment, please ask for help from the staff.
  • By entering into the Baltimore Playhouse, attendees agree and understand that the Baltimore Playhouse, its members or contributors, its staff, its temporary employees, co-sponsors of the convention or any convention-related events are not responsible or liable for any claim, action, damages, costs or other expenses including, but not limited to, personal injury, wrongful death, or property damage suffered by any attendee during the course of the event.
  • I understand that in the Baltimore Playhouse, discretion is of paramount importance, and by agreeing to enter the Baltimore Playhouse I agree to a search of my person and property whenever requested by the management for possible hidden prohibited devices or contraband in their possession.
  • Finally, I understand that admission to this contributorship is strictly limited to adults like me who share these opinions, interests and beliefs.

Fill out form below- you will be notified within 7 days of acceptance: