If you are new to kink, new to the area, new to playing in a public dungeon, please come by and check out our monthly event called Kink: First Contact! This is a great chance to learn what kink is about, how to play safely, how to conduct yourself in a public dungeon, and check out the awesomeness that is the Baltimore Playhouse!
Normally the first Friday of every month, the doors open at 8:00pm for Kink: First Contact. This monthly series of Basic Education & Exploratorium Nights is generally given by Staff, who will be teaching the very basics that folks new to our community need to know before attending other educational events, social events, or play parties. Have all your questions answered from 8:30pm until 9:30pm. Then she and some special guests will be hosting stations where folks can ask questions and try out different types of basic play/toys until 11pm +/-.
As this is a special community education event it will be Open House style – EVERYONE is invited, not just Baltimore Playhouse Contributors and their guests. Yes, you read that right – Baltimore Playhouse Contributorships are not required for this special event but you MUST be on the RSVP list as either a Yes or a Maybe in order to enter. (scene names are fine.) This applies to both you and any guests that arrive with you. You can RSVP through the Fetlife event page or through the Calendar and RSVP page! There will be ZERO exceptions to this policy so we can be within the Maryland state laws governing private clubs.
Make sure you check the calendar for the next K:FC! We also have random Zoom KFC talks with Video tours on the weekdays – so look for those if you can’t make it to an in person!